Steve Eosco, President of the Norwood Italian Lodge #1235, recently presented their $1,000 scholarships
to two qualifying students. This year’s recipients are Stephen Ailinger and Sophie Campagna. The Italian
Lodge extended sincere best wishes to both outstanding young people with all their future endeavors.
Stephen is a Norwood High School graduate and will attend American University in Washington D.C. with a
focus on International Studies. His scholarship was graciously donated by lodge member, Emily Malacaria,
in memory of her husband, Andrew Malacaria, who was a valued Italian lodge member for many years. Stephen
is the son of Joseph and Amy Ailinger of Norwood, and the grandson of lodge members, Joseph and Frances
Ailinger of Norwood.
Sophie is a Norton High School graduate and will attend Bridgewater State University. She is the daughter
of John and Regina Campagna of Norton, and the granddaughter of lodge members, Nicholas and Barbara
Campagna, Jr. of Norwood. Sophie is interested in Mathematics and will also explore options for her major.
President Eosco acknowledged the hard work of lodge members who raise funds to support the scholarship
program. Currently, the lodge has produced an Italian cookbook for sale ($15) with over 75 favorite recipes
from lodge members. The proceeds for this project fund the lodge scholarship program.
The Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America is the largest and oldest organization of Americans of
Italian heritage in the United States. The Italian Lodge is a fraternal, social, and charitable organization
whose purpose is to promote education, support charities through fundraising and to preserve Italian culture.
Membership is open to any area resident of Italian or non-Italian descent (as a social member).For further
information about the Norwood Italian Lodge please call Steve Eosco at 781-769-7865 or email at steve_toni@norwoodlight.com.