Order Sons and Daughters of Italy

Norwood Italian Lodge 1235

2024 Scholarship Dinner & Presentations

The Norwood Italian Lodge #1235, a local chapter of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, recently held its Annual Scholarship Awards Dinner on June 5, 2024, at Conrad’s Restaurant in Walpole. Norwood Lodge President, Steve Eosco, greeted the nearly 50 members and guests who attended the event. Scholarship Chairwoman, Toni Eosco, made several introductions, and acknowledged lodge members, Barbara Campagna and Winnie Carfagno, for their volunteer work on the lodge’s scholarship committee. Toni Eosco also recognized Denise Furnari, Ex-officio of Massachusetts Grand Lodge Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, and George Franco, Ex-officio of the Norwood Italian Lodge as well as his wife Diana who oversees the lodge’s website. Scholarship award presentations took place after a delicious dinner buffet.

The Italian Lodge has a long history of supporting youth, education, and Italian culture. Through the volunteer work of its members to raise funds, and through the addition of memorial funds and other generous donations, the Norwood Italian Lodge #1235 awarded two $1,000 Scholarships.

Committee member, Winnie Carfagno, made the first award presentation to Lorenzo Carrara, a graduate of Xaverian High School. He is the son of Vincent and Catherine Carrara of Norwood, as well as the grandson of lodge members, Frank and Barbara Fruci of Norwood. Lorenzo will pursue a degree in business and marketing at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania.

Scholarship Committee Chair, Toni Eosco, made the second scholarship presentation to Anthony Fraone, a graduate of King Philip Regional High School. Anthony is the son of Maurizio and Alisa Fraone of Wrentham, as well as the grandson of lodge members, George and Phyllis Sabatini of Walpole. Anthony will pursue a degree in business and sport management at Fairfield University in Connecticut. Lodge members congratulated both students on their excellent academic records and outstanding extracurricular achievements. They earned high praise from their coaches, teachers and counselors. Lodge members wished them success in their new challenges and endeavors.

After the scholarship presentations, guest speaker, Norfolk County Commissioner Richard Staiti, delivered inspiring remarks to the scholarship recipients and members. He shared stories from his own upbringing with Sicilian roots and described the several paths of his own professional journey throughout life. Lodge members enjoyed his comments and shared some social time with him later in the evening. It was a great evening and a wonderful event for lodge members to share conversation and friendships.

For information about Norwood Italian Lodge membership please contact President, Steve Eosco, at 781-769-7865 or visit the lodge Facebook page at Norwood Italian Lodge #1235 Sons and Daughters of Italy to learn more about the Lodge.

Pictured in photo from left to right are: Lorenzo Carrara, Lodge Scholarship Recipient, Richard Staiti, Norfolk County Commissioner, Anthony Fraone, Lodge Scholarship Recipient

Pictured in photo from left to right are: Toni Eosco-Scholarship Chair, Anthony Fraone - Scholarship Recipient, with his parents Maurizio and Alisa Fraone (to his left) and grandparents George and Phyllis Sabatini (to his right), Steve Eosco Lodge President

Scholarship Recipient - Lorenzo Carrara with his parents Vincent and Catherine Carrara, and grandparents, Toni Eosco, Scholarship chair and Steve Eosco, Lodge President.

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