The Norwood Italian Lodge #1235, a local chapter of the Sons of Italy, recently held its Annual Scholarship Awards Dinner
on June 4, 2013, at BONCALDO’S Restaurant in Norwood. Lodge President, George Franco, greeted members and guests.
Scholarship Chairwoman, Toni Eosco, welcomed the 60 members and guests in attendance. Mrs. Eosco recognized lodge members,
Barbara Campagna and Winnie Carfagno, for their volunteer work on the scholarship committee. The scholarship award
presentation took place immediately following a delicious dinner.
Through the fundraising efforts of its lodge members, a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is awarded to a 4-year
college-bound student. Scholarship committee member, Barbara Campagna, made the award presentation to Alyssa Michelle Ciolfi,
a graduate of Medfield High School. Alyssa is the daughter of John & Christine Ciolfi, as well as the granddaughter of
lodge members, Chuck & Palma Ciolfi. Alyssa will pursue her degree at Bridgewater State University. Lodge members congratulated
Alyssa and wished her good luck with her future plans.
Following the awards, Toni Eosco introduced guest speaker, Carmelita Bello. Ms. Bello, presently the Sons of Italy Grand Lodge
of Massachusetts President, delivered inspiring remarks to the current scholarship winner and guests regarding the challenges
of and transition to college. Ms. Bello is the Vice-president and Chief Financial Officer of the Colleges of Worcester
Consortium, Inc. The consortium has thirteen Worcester area colleges as its members. In addition to collaborating with the
members in the areas of economic and academic cooperation, community relations and student services, the Consortium operates
federally funded programs to assist low income, first time generation individuals to attain college degrees. Ms. Bello received
enthusiastic applause at the conclusion of her presentation.
For information about the Norwood Italian Lodge membership please contact President, George Franco, at 781-828-6290 or
Vice-president, Steve Eosco at 781-769-7865. Enjoy viewing the website: www.norwoodsonsofitaly.org to learn about the Lodge.
Pictured in photo from left to right are: Barbara Campagna, Scholarship Committee Member,
Toni Eosco, Scholarship Committee Chair, Alyssa M. Ciolfi, Scholarship Recipient, George Franco, Lodge President and
Guest Speaker, Carmelita Bello, Grand Lodge President.
Alyssa M. Ciolfi, Scholarship Recipient |