Norwood Sons of Italy Lodge 1235

2015 Installation of Officers

Newly Installed Council - Seated from left to right: John Russo, Sentinel, Toni Eosco, Trustee, Brenda Marchand, Trustee, Barbara Anello, Trustee, Janice Valente, Trustee, and Angelo Valente, Trustee, Standing from left to right: Andrew Ciarletta, Financial Secretary, Frank Billota, Financial Treasurer, George Sabatini, Master of Ceremonies, Bette Lasden, Mistress of Ceremonies, Steven Eosco, President, Nicholas Campagna, Jr., Vice President, George Franco, Past President, Richard Leccese, Lodge Deputy, Delia Bartucca, Orator and Winnie Carfagno, Secretary.

Grand Lodge Guests - Denise Furnari, State Orator, Nicholas Campagna, Jr., Norwood Lodge Vice President, Steven Eosco, Norwood Lodge President, Antonio Sestito, State First Vice President and Guest Speaker, Marisa Ranalli, State Trustee, and Richard Leccese, Norwood Lodge Deputy

Newly installed President, Steve Eosco, accepts gavel from Past President, George Franco.
