Norwood Sons of Italy Lodge 1235

105th Massachusetts State Convention 2019

Our official delegate tags Steve and Toni ready for convention Convention Hall Assembly of delegates at Framingham Sheraton ready for business
Steve Eosco with impressive Grand Lodge Lion Steve announcing our Lodge's charity donations to Grand Lodge Steve Eosco with president-elect Denise Furnari and national president-elect Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Steve showing framed poster from New Orleans mayor LaToya Cantrell which includes formal apology for the wrongful 1891 lynching of 11( mostly )Sicilians that took place in New Orleans it will be placed in Massachusetts Grand Lodge building. Toni Eosco attended a PowerPoint presentation at General Session Steve attended Committee on Laws headed by former National President Joseph Russo Also in attendance was James DiStefano, former State President
Steve with Jim DiStefano Ready for Golden Lion dinner and the official installation of Denise Furnari as president At the end of the convention day, these Italians know how to " chill" and socialize. We met some wonderful people (pictured are David Blouin in a t-shirt we loved, and Jack Whittaker. Both are US Marine veterans)in the 'hospitality room'. We couldn't believe the room even had a commercial slicer for prosciutto and cheese to make sandwiches. Here in one picture, Antonio Mastantuono, President of Watertown Lodge shows off his skill on the slicer
Norwood SOI Members Convention Attendees Denise Furnari's mother places State president regalia on Denise's neck. It was very moving, as Denise's father was also a past State president.