Text Box:    Organization News


 February 5, 2025
7:00 pm

VFW Post
Dean Street
Norwood, MA 02062

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Norwood Sons of Italy Lodge 1235

A Message from the President


I welcome you to our webpage of the Norwood Italian Lodge #1235 of the Sons of Italy. We are the Norwood Italian Lodge with 100 members combined with men and women. I would like to encourage anyone of Italian descent or a spouse who is not Italian but maybe married to an Italian or even those who would like to share in our Italian culture as a Social Member to join us.

                               Steve Eosco, President


   Questions or comments? 

      Contact us at:



Email:  Norwood SOI



Mailing Address:


Norwood Sons of Italy Lodge 1235

c/o Steven Eosco

14 Endicott Street

Norwood, MA 02062


Phone: (781) 249-3524






The Order Sons of Italy in American (OSIA) is the largest and the oldest organization of Americans of Italian heritage in the United States.  It is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-partisan fraternal  organization.

Our purpose is to promote education, charitable fundraising, enrich and reserve the Italian culture and heritage and to discourage discrimination while protecting a positive image of the Italian people and culture.

Becoming a Member


Anyone can become a member of the Order Sons of Italy and participate in the events and join in the socials.  If you and/or your spouse can trace your Italian lineage, you can become a Regular Member and participate at meetings, vote and hold office.  If you and/or your spouse are not of Italian descent, you can join as a Social Member and participate in meetings.